IAPS Awards

The Executive Committee of the Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons (IAPS - EC) invites nominations for the following Awards

For Senior Pediatric Surgeons

IAPS - Dr. K. C. Sogani Gold Medal

  • To be awarded to the Pediatric surgeon for excellence in Pediatric Esophageal Surgery or for any other original contribution in the field of pediatric surgery.
  • Should be IAPS member for at least 20 years and not less than 45 years of age
  • Should be involved fill time in the practice of pediatric surgery and should have maintained a good name in clinical, academic fields on a national and international level. The main achievement may be in any original form like innovative surgical craftsmanship or technique or the concept in the field.
  • The awardee shall receive a gold medal, a certificate and a citation

Dr. Amal Bose "Life Time Achievement Award" for 2022

  • Awarded, annually, to a Senior pediatric surgeon for excellence in the field or for any other original and new contribution to Pediatric Surgery in general.
  • He / She should be an IAPS member for at least 20 years and not less than 45 years of age.
  • He / She should be involved full time in the pediatric surgery practice and should have attained a good name in the clinical, academic fields on national and international level. His / Her main achievement may be in the form of original contribution to the pediatric surgery as some innovative surgical craftsmanship or technique or the concept in the field
  • The award carries a gold medal, a certificate and a citation

IAPS - Dr. R. K. Gandhi Gold Medal

  • Awarded to honour outstanding achievements in the field of pediatric surgery in the Country
  • Applicant must be members of IAPS for at least 20 years and must not be below 45 years of age.
  • She/he must be involved fulltime in pediatric surgery practice and should have achieved a good name in clinical and academic areas both, nationally and internationally.
  • The award carries a gold medal, a certificate and a citation

IAPS - Dorairajan Gold Medal

  • This award is for members of IAPS who have spent their life time in service in India for a minimum of 20 years
  • A CV listing service done, various achievements and honors with mention of services to IAPS should be sent to the Hon. SecretaryThe awardee will receive a gold medal, a certificate and a citation
  • The awardee will receive a gold medal, a certificate and a citation

IAPS - Travel Fellowships for early and mid-career
Pediatric Surgeons

IAPS - Annamalai University Travel Fellowship

  • The candidate must be a qualified pediatric surgeon with MCh or equivalent degree
  • The candidate must be working in a non-teaching institution or rural areas for more than 5 years from the date of qualifying examination
  • The candidate must have proven his efficiency by outstanding academic record, publication, paper presentation in conference, outstanding social service to surgically ill children in rural areas or any such matter considered fit by the selection committee as per constitution of IAPS
  • The candidate must be a life member of the IAPS with at least 2 years standing at the time of the application
  • The award will carry a citation and a grant of Rs.20000/-

IAPS - Shanti Talwar Fellowship Award

  • The candidate should be less than 40 years of age at the time of application and should have obtained adequate training or passed MCh / DNB with academic interest and publications. Preference will be given to those working in remote areas with limited facilitates so as to obtain further exposure in the current management of pediatric surgical problems including neonatal surgery
  • The fellowship will be for a period of 2-4 weeks in a Centre of repute in India
  • The award caries a citation and a grant of Rs.20000/-

IAPS - Purushottam Upadhyaya Research Award

  • The award will be given to a pediatric surgeon of Indian origin below the age of 45 years, for the best research paper published in one of the recognized journals during the preceding year (1st Jan to 31st Dec.)
  • The research may be clinically oriented or in basic science. Originality of the work and quality of research will be the major criteria for the selection
  • Only published works will be considered of the award. Unpublished research, research thesis , review articles and case reports will not merit consideration for the award
  • The nominee for the award must be the first author and the main architect of the published research work submitted for consideration
  • The award shall be named “Purushottam Upadhyaya Research Award”
  • The award consists of a medal , a certificate of merit signed by IAPS president and secretary and a cheque for Rs 30,000.

Other Awards for Young Pediatric Surgeons

  • Presenter shall be member of IAPS below 35 years of age and or should have participated significantly the clinical or experimental work to be presented
  • The award paper will be short listed (if required) and presented during a special session during the Annual Conference
  • The President. Immediate past president and President of the Pediatric Surgery association of west Bengal (or their nominee) will be judges for the award session
  • The award comes with a citation and I think there is no award money for this
  • The award will be presented by the president immediately after the session
  • Three copies of the full manuscript should be submitted along with the abstract forms

IAPS - U. C. Chakraborty Award for 2022

IAPS - Swapna Datta Award

  • The award will be given to the best paper presented by a member of the IAPS in the named prize session during the Annual Conference of IAPS
  • The papers will be judged by The President, Secretary and a representative nominated by the family of Swapna Dutta
  • At the end of the session, the President will name the winner and present a certificate and a cheque of Rs. 5000/-
  • The paper presented in the first urology session will be automatically considered for the IAPS -Swapna Dutta Award

IAPS - Dr. K. K. Sharma Award

  • This grant will be given to the best paper presented in the section of Gastroenterology session (named the KK Sharma Award Session) during the Annual conference of the IAPS
  • The paper presented in the session will be judged by a panel of chairpersons and the best paper selected
  • At the end of the session the President will name the winner and present a certificate a cheque of Rs. 5000/-
  • The paper presented in the first gastroenterology session will be automatically considered for the IAPS – Dr. K. K. Sharma Award

IAPS-Sushruta Award

The IAPS has endowed a new award that will be called the IAPS-Sushruta Award. This annual award will be conferred on an exceptional Life Members of the IAPS, of more than 10 years standing,  who have outstanding contributions to the development of pediatric surgery and its delivery across India. Objective criteria have been put in place for this competitive award that considers all aspects – academic, administrative, social impact, teaching etc.